Section: New Results


The ARLES project-team investigates solutions in the forms of languages, methods, tools and supporting middleware to assist the development of distributed software systems, with a special emphasis on mobile distributed systems enabling the ambient intelligence/pervasive computing vision. Our research activities in 2011 have focused on the following areas:

  • Dynamic interoperability among networked systems toward making them eternal, by way of on-the-fly generation of connectors based on adequate system models (§  6.2 );

  • Pervasive service-oriented software engineering, focusing on supporting service composition in an increasingly heterogeneous and dynamic networking environment, while enforcing quality of service (§  6.3 );

  • Service oriented middleware for the ultra large scale future Internet of Things (§  6.4 );

  • Abstractions for enabling domain experts to easily compose applications on the Internet of Things (§  6.5 ); and

  • System-level support for application development in the context of mobile social ecosystems, while taking into account privacy, performance, and data interoperability (§  6.6 ).